Find the right Webrtc platform

we are currently in the selection process of a scalable self hosting media platform and we find openvidu pro very interesting.

A few topics give us food for thought though.

What is the status with kurento? After the takeover by Twilio, not much happened at github repo compared to other solutions like Jitsi or Mediasoup. Is kurento actively developed and supported?
Can we be sure that OpenVidu will continue to exist? Who exactly is behind it? What are the plans for the future?

Please excuse these detailed questions but it is very important for us to make the right decision!

Many greetings


If you take a look to Kurento releases page, you can see how Kurento have been updated and improved in the last years.

We can not be sure if OpenVidu will stay here forever. But OpenVidu team will do its best to maintain it.

Behind OpenVidu and Kurento is part of the original team creator of Kurento. We are a research group at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Spain. Also, Tikal Technologies Naevatec is supporting the project.

We are working hard to provide a powerful platform and provide open source and paid features to make the project sustainable over the time.
