Now, based on this tutorial, I am investigating various things to add features such as chatting, controlling other users by user within group meeting, etc.
First, is there no difficulty in implementing additional functions in the application composed by the above tutorial?
Second, if it’s not a big deal for me, I want to add a user with publisher role to redis. How should I approach it? << sorry, this was a really stupid question.
Finally, this is going to be a bit of a tricky question. Is it possible to upload media (video, audio) data of some users in the video conference in real time, or forward it to another server responsible for analysis? For this problem, I have thought of a method different from what I said, but I would like to solve the media-related processing within openvidu if possible. thank you
The tutorial is designed in such way so you can add the features you want.
Right now it is not possible out of the box. But it is still possible if you understand how things are managed in the media server. OpenVidu uses Kurento media server to manage things. So a OpenVidu session is just a Kurento MediaPipeline with WebRtcEndpoints interconnected. You could connect to the same Kurento used by OpenVidu and create RtpEndpoint to extract the media in real time from the Kurento pipeline. But it is complex and of course we can not provide any support on it.