How to fetch the real-time video stream data at the server side
Unless you’re willing to get in the innards of Kurento Media Server itself, this is not possible. What do you exactly want to do with the stream data?
During the one to one (customer and agent) video call, I want to get the video stream data from the customer side and push it to some AI engine for analyzing in real-time. A little bit like the filtering tutorial in ur website, but I just do not need to edit the video stream.
I am thinking about using the RTPendpoint in the Kurento Media Server. but they only provide example for RTP receiver. No RTP Sender
I think i just post it here since it is relevant.
I am trying to combine the demo example openvidu-insecure-js/web with the docker image openvidu-server-kms like what is described in the official tutorial.
Thanks @micael.gallego to lead me to so i managed to build the docker image by myself and it works well with openvidu-insecure-js/web
Besides, I also managed to manipulate the OpenCV plugin xxxOpenCVImpl.cpp and compile the customized module locally. It is verified by the command:
kurento-media-server -v
For the next step,I am trying to figure out how to put the customized OpenCV plugin into the docker image and update the kms in the docker container so that we can see the customized filter from the browser. I tried to figure out from the dockerfile in but no luck.
Could anyone share your experience in this? Thanks
Here is the step I tried:
I entered the docker container and compile the module again and get the following result:
The microexpression highlighted in yellow color is the customized function. According to the message in the window, i assume the restart is successful??? However, I can’t see the result from the customized function as below:
I am not able to see either the standard output or the text “Hello from Meetrix.IO” in the live frame. May I know if i miss out any step? Or there is a better way to do it?