Migrating to 2.13 in a multi website hosting server

We are finding some difficulty in migrating to openvidu 2.13

Our current server host multiple websites including their test versions. For example
abc.org—def.com—ghi.com—test.abc.com—test.def.com—test.ghi.com— etc.
(using — since new users can’t post more than two links in a post)

Currently we are using nginx and letsencrypt to provide ssl. Autorenewal of certificates is done through
certbot. The openvidu server listens on abc.com:4443 . This server is ahared by all the domains and their test servers

Now with new version nginx is deployed by openvidu docker container and listens directly on 443.

Is it possible to edit nginx.conf to include multiple domains? (Can you share location of this file in openvidu docker). Will certbot used by docker container auto renew certificates for these domains also?

I am planning to create a subdomain (eg- openvidu.abc.com) and share it with all applications. Will creating subdomain and sharing t with multiple domains cause problems with Websocket communications? Or do openvidu server prefer a separate domain name?

Also I am guessing I have to uninstall nginx, certbot installations which I have been using from outside docker container.