I’m using 2.15.0 on CentOS 8. Running fine. My certificate was generated by Letsencrypt.
As instructed in the .env file, in the first boot I may not change the HTTP port, needs to be 80.
Since I need to use 80/443 to another service, I’ve changed OV’s ports to 2080 and 2443. And will use in production in some days.
My question is: in 3 months, the certificate will be auto-renewed even I use 2080/2443 and 80/443 will be running another software? Or I need to do something manually?
The certificates used by OpenVidu are in /opt/openvidu/certificates/live/<your_domain>.
Maybe you can change certbot configuration to point to this directory for autorenew or this ln -s is just enough to make it works, I’m not sure.