Letsencrypt auto renew + non standard ports


I’m using 2.15.0 on CentOS 8. Running fine. My certificate was generated by Letsencrypt.

As instructed in the .env file, in the first boot I may not change the HTTP port, needs to be 80.

Since I need to use 80/443 to another service, I’ve changed OV’s ports to 2080 and 2443. And will use in production in some days.

My question is: in 3 months, the certificate will be auto-renewed even I use 2080/2443 and 80/443 will be running another software? Or I need to do something manually?

Thank you.

Probably not, you will need to have the location /.well-known/acme-challenge available in port 80 to make possible autorenews.

Best Regards,

Ok, in this case where is the root path that OV will inform to certbot?
So I can “ln -s” in the other software listening in the port 80.

The certificates used by OpenVidu are in /opt/openvidu/certificates/live/<your_domain>.
Maybe you can change certbot configuration to point to this directory for autorenew or this ln -s is just enough to make it works, I’m not sure.

But this is not our recommended way to deploy.

I hope this helps,

Well, the “renew” files points to /var/www/certbot

webroot_path = /var/www/certbot,
mydomain = /var/www/certbot

But this path does not exists in the server, so, I believe it’s created only inside the docker container, right? So, the “ln -s” won’t work…

The renewal config file of the nginx container is in /opt/openvidu/certificates/renewal/<your-domain-name>.conf

You can also share the volume /var/www/certbot by modifying the file /opt/openvidu/docker-compose.yml at the nginx service:

        image: openvidu/openvidu-proxy:3.0.0
        restart: on-failure
        network_mode: host
            - ./certificates:/etc/letsencrypt
            - ./owncert:/owncert
            - ${OPENVIDU_RECORDING_CUSTOM_LAYOUT}:/opt/openvidu/custom-layout
            - /var/www/certbot:/var/www/certbot      <---- THIS LINE

But we can’t ensure this will work because it is an environment we did not test

Hope this helps,
Best regards,

Hi Carlos, good idea about the nginx line. I’ll try.


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