No connection to OpenVidu Server. This may be a certificate error

In safari browser, I see this issue. When I checked my SSL certificate it is renewed - How I resolve this error.

How have you deployed OpenVidu? Do you have any issue with other browsers?

Yes it shows not secure connection.

Please, can you share you’re entire logs of the docker nginx proxy?

Also verify that this happens in all browsers, maybe safari was not able to see new certificate.

Actually every 3 months the SSL certificate is expired So I needs to regenerate it. I also generated new one. See this plz - But I think I miss some steps to apply this in my website. Can you help me to use this.

In OpenVidu 2.15.1 it is not necessary to renew letsencrypt, it is atuomatically updated. From versions <2.14.0 it is necessary to renew it by hand.

Anyways, if you’re using version 2.15.1 You just need to start OpenVidu with your email for letsencrypt (LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<your_email>) and your certificate type (CERTIFICATE_TYPE=letsencrypt) configured in your .env file. This will create a folder in /opt/openvidu/certificates with all the files necessary when you execute ./openvidu start
So, if you’re certificate it’s not working right now:

  1. Remove your folder opt/openvidu/certificates
  2. Ensure that your .env file has the properties CERTIFICATE_TYPE=letsencrypt and LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<your_email>.
  3. Ensure that you don’t have any other service running in the background at port 80
  4. Restart OpenVidu


Thanks for your reply but In my case we have no .env file and also I have no such folders - opt/openvidu/certificates

What guide did you follow to install OpenVidu? What OpenVidu version are you using?

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