Openvidu stopped working after letsencrypt dry-run(renew)

hi openvidu team, my project of openvidu in server openvidu main page was working perfectly for few days, and Saturday I found the error of certificate got expire so I thought the issue is coz of letsencrypt license got expired and I made a certificate renew, from after that nothing is working,

below is the screenshot of errors when I got running of openvidu-node-js

and here are the screenshot of the listening ports

also, here is the screenshot of a restart openvidu

please help me how can I resolve this. thank you. and also please explain how to renew letsencrypt for openvidu after expire.

i had fixed the problem
i found out the issue my 443 port is stopped running,


i uninstalled nginx common and restarted the openvidu server again and it started working fine now.