Issue with the " Subscriber "


I have launched the project in a local computer. When we access it from the navigator on 3 computer, we noticed that that there’s an issue with the " Subscriber ", Here is the error :

Thank you

What is the error? That you should be able to see participants publisher1 and publisher2?
How are you testing in your local LAN network? How are you running OpenVidu Service in your local computer?


Simply, I installed the project on Windows on a PC

I access the projet with a browser ( Google Chrome, Opera etc… )

Here’s the URL :


I use publisher1 to launch on a video as a speaker

I also use Subscribe as a spectator, in this case sometimes I see the video of the spectator and sometimes nothing, like this :

Thank you

You access as publisher in one device and as subscriber in other device connected to the same network?
Can you give more detail or this phrase: “Simply, I installed the project on Windows on a PC”? I need to know how you “installed the project on Windows on a PC”. Point to the instructions of the official OpenVidu documentation that you have followed to install the service.

Yes indeed, I access as a publisher in one device and as subscriber in another device with the same network

I used docker to lauch the project and I’ve downloaded the source code with git clone …

Thank you

Please. A link to the documentation instructions you have followed.

It seems you have some problem with your deployment.

Can you test with demos server?