Can't see nor hear remote participants

Hello guys :slight_smile:

I installed OpenVidu 2.15.0 following this guide. I developed and deployed my app following this guide. Basically, I edited the OpenVidu Angular Library code y built it. In my LAN all works fine but from outside two or more participants can join in a session but they can’t see nor hear the remote participants’ video and audio.

My OpenVidu server is in the subdomain https// and its public IP is The IP of the main domain ( is I’ve revised logs (OpenVidu and Browser) and I found something that could be the problem, it’s just a theory:

When a participant gets the two tokens, the browser log shows this:

main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Request of TOKEN gone WELL (TOKEN:wss://
httpPostRequest.loadingVisible @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1

main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Request of TOKEN gone WELL (TOKEN:wss://
httpPostRequest.loadingVisible @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1

If you see more closer, you can see that coturn IP is, this is the main domain IP but I think it must be coturnIp= i.e. the public OpenVidu server. If this is correct maybe this is the problem but I don’t know how/why OpenVidu takes the first IP and not the second.

I started the backend service pointing to and it works fine in LAN and from outside, i.e all participants can see and hear to others participants.

I attach OpenVidu, Coturn and browser logs. In the Coturn log you can see that Coturn IP is set to In the browser log you can see:
IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection 
 change to “disconnected”. Possible network disconnection

OpenVidu Log

Creating openvidu_redis_1 
Creating openvidu_kms_1 
Creating openvidu_coturn_1 
Creating openvidu_openvidu-server_1 
Creating openvidu_nginx_1 
Attaching to openvidu_openvidu-server_1
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | =======================================
openvidu-server_1 | = LAUNCH OPENVIDU-SERVER =
openvidu-server_1 | =======================================
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | ______________________________________________
openvidu-server_1 | ____ __ ___ _
openvidu-server_1 | / __ \ \ \ / () | |
openvidu-server_1 | | | | |
__ ___ _ \ \ / / _ | | _
openvidu-server_1 | | | | | ’
\ / _ \ ’
\ / / | |/ ` | | | |
openvidu-server_1 | | |__| | |
) | / | | \ / | | (| | || |
openvidu-server_1 | _
/| ./ __|| ||/ ||_,|_,|
openvidu-server_1 | | |
openvidu-server_1 | |
| version 2.15.0
openvidu-server_1 | ______________________________________________
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,055 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - Starting OpenViduServer on vidusdmz with PID 20 (/openvidu-server.jar started by root in /)
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,060 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
openvidu-server_1 | [ERROR] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,298 [main] io.openvidu.server.config.OpenviduConfig - .env file not found at /.env
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,404 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - Started OpenViduServer in 1.505 seconds (JVM running for 2.432)
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,406 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer -
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | Configuration properties
openvidu-server_1 | ------------------------
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | * CERTIFICATE_TYPE=owncert
openvidu-server_1 | *
openvidu-server_1 | * HTTPS_PORT=443
openvidu-server_1 | * KMS_URIS=[“ws://localhost:8888/kurento”]
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_CDR=false
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_CDR_PATH=/opt/openvidu/cdr
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_RECORDING=false
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_RECORDING_CUSTOM_LAYOUT=/opt/openvidu/custom-layout
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_RECORDING_DEBUG=false
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_RECORDING_NOTIFICATION=publisher_moderator
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_RECORDING_PATH=/opt/openvidu/recordings
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_RECORDING_PUBLIC_ACCESS=false
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_RECORDING_VERSION=2.15.0
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_SECRET=MY_SECRET
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK=false
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT=
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_EVENTS=[sessionCreated,sessionDestroyed,participantJoined,participantLeft,webrtcConnectionCreated,webrtcConnectionDestroyed,recordingStatusChanged,filterEventDispatched,mediaNodeStatusChanged]
openvidu-server_1 | * OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK_HEADERS=[]
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | [WARN] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,409 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - You have set property server.port (or SERVER_PORT). This will serve OpenVidu Server on your host at port 5443. But property HTTPS_PORT (443) still configures the port that should be used to connect to OpenVidu Server from outside. Bear this in mind when configuring a proxy in front of OpenVidu Server
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,410 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - Using /dev/urandom for secure random generation
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,494 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - Starting OpenViduServer on vidusdmz with PID 20 (/openvidu-server.jar started by root in /)
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:49,495 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
openvidu-server_1 | [ERROR] 2020-07-30 21:52:50,840 [main] io.openvidu.server.config.OpenviduConfig - .env file not found at /.env
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,212 [main] org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer - Tomcat initialized with port(s): 5443 (http)
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,229 [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Initializing ProtocolHandler [“http-nio-”]
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,230 [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService - Starting service [Tomcat]
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,230 [main] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine - Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.30]
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,325 [main] org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Tomcat].[localhost].[/] - Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,326 [main] org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader - Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 1796 ms
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,756 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - OpenVidu CDR service is disabled (may be enable with ‘OPENVIDU_CDR=true’)
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,756 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - OpenVidu Webhook service is disabled (may be enabled with ‘OPENVIDU_WEBHOOK=true’)
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,770 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - OpenVidu Server using one KMS: ws://localhost:8888/kurento
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,801 [JsonRpcClient-hearbeatExec-e1-t0] org.kurento.jsonrpc.client.JsonRpcClientNettyWebSocket - [KurentoClient] Connecting native client
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:51,801 [JsonRpcClient-hearbeatExec-e1-t0] org.kurento.jsonrpc.client.JsonRpcClientNettyWebSocket - [KurentoClient] Creating new NioEventLoopGroup
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,064 [nioEventLoopGroup-2-1] org.kurento.jsonrpc.client.JsonRpcClientNettyWebSocket - [KurentoClient] Initiating new Netty channel. Will create new handler too!
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,230 [main] io.openvidu.server.recording.service.RecordingManager - OpenVidu recording service is disabled
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,272 [main] io.openvidu.server.coturn.CoturnCredentialsService - COTURN IP:
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,273 [main] io.openvidu.server.coturn.CoturnCredentialsService - COTURN Redis DB accessible with string “ip= dbname=0 password=MY_SECRET connect_timeout=30”
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,273 [main] io.openvidu.server.coturn.CoturnCredentialsService - Cleaning COTURN DB

openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,274 [main] io.openvidu.server.coturn.CoturnCredentialsService - Path of COTURN log files: /var/log/
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,295 [main] io.openvidu.server.coturn.CoturnCredentialsService - COTURN DB is now empty
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,296 [main] io.openvidu.server.coturn.CoturnCredentialsService - Using COTURN credentials service for BASH environment
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,325 [main] io.openvidu.server.core.SessionManager - Garbage collector for non active sessions initialized. Running every 900 seconds and cleaning up non active Sessions more than 3600 seconds old
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,363 [main] org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler - Initializing ExecutorService ‘jsonrpcTaskScheduler’
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,537 [main] org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor - Initializing ExecutorService ‘applicationTaskExecutor’
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,667 [main] org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WelcomePageHandlerMapping - Adding welcome page: class path resource [static/index.html]
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,924 [main] - Creating filter chain: any request, [,,, org.springframework.web.filter.CorsFilter@dd8ba08,,,,,,,,]
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:52,971 [main] org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol - Starting ProtocolHandler [“http-nio-”]
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:53,012 [main] org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer - Tomcat started on port(s): 5443 (http) with context path ‘’
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:53,014 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer - Started OpenViduServer in 3.586 seconds (JVM running for 6.042)
openvidu-server_1 | [INFO] 2020-07-30 21:52:53,015 [main] io.openvidu.server.OpenViduServer -
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | ----------------------------------------------------
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | OpenVidu is ready!
openvidu-server_1 | ---------------------------
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | * OpenVidu Server:
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | * OpenVidu Dashboard:
openvidu-server_1 |
openvidu-server_1 | ----------------------------------------------------
openvidu-server_1 |

Coturn Log

coturn_1 | TURN public IP:
coturn_1 | TURN listening port: 3478
coturn_1 | REDIS IP:
coturn_1 | Defined min port coturn: 57001
coturn_1 | Defined max port coturn: 65535
coturn_1 | Waiting turnserver to be running
coturn_1 | 0: log file opened: /var/log/turn_21_2020-07-30.log
coturn_1 | 0:
coturn_1 | RFC 3489/5389/5766/5780/6062/6156 STUN/TURN Server
coturn_1 | Version Coturn- ‘dan Eider’
coturn_1 | 0:
coturn_1 | Max number of open files/sockets allowed for this process: 1048576
coturn_1 | 0:
coturn_1 | Due to the open files/sockets limitation,
coturn_1 | max supported number of TURN Sessions possible is: 524000 (approximately)
coturn_1 | 0:
coturn_1 |
coturn_1 | ==== Show him the instruments, Practical Frost: ====
coturn_1 |
coturn_1 | 0: TLS supported
coturn_1 | 0: DTLS supported
coturn_1 | 0: DTLS 1.2 supported
coturn_1 | 0: TURN/STUN ALPN supported
coturn_1 | 0: Third-party authorization (oAuth) supported
coturn_1 | 0: GCM (AEAD) supported
coturn_1 | 0: OpenSSL compile-time version: OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016
coturn_1 | 0:
coturn_1 | 0: SQLite supported, default database location is /var/lib/turn/turndb
coturn_1 | 0: Redis supported
coturn_1 | 0: PostgreSQL supported
coturn_1 | 0: MySQL supported
coturn_1 | 0: MongoDB is not supported
coturn_1 | 0:
coturn_1 | 0: Default Net Engine version: 3 (UDP thread per CPU core)
coturn_1 |
coturn_1 | =====================================================
coturn_1 |
coturn_1 | 0: Domain name:
coturn_1 | 0: Default realm: openvidu
coturn_1 | 0: ERROR:
coturn_1 | CONFIG ERROR: Empty cli-password, and so telnet cli interface is disabled! Please set a non empty cli-password!
coturn_1 | 0: WARNING: cannot find certificate file: turn_server_cert.pem (1)
coturn_1 | 0: WARNING: cannot start TLS and DTLS listeners because certificate file is not set properly
coturn_1 | 0: WARNING: cannot find private key file: turn_server_pkey.pem (1)
coturn_1 | 0: WARNING: cannot start TLS and DTLS listeners because private key file is not set properly
coturn_1 | 0: ===========Discovering listener addresses: =========
coturn_1 | 0: Listener address to use:
coturn_1 | 0: Listener address to use:
coturn_1 | 0: Listener address to use:
coturn_1 | 0: Listener address to use: ::1
coturn_1 | 0: =====================================================
coturn_1 | 0: Total: 2 ‘real’ addresses discovered
coturn_1 | 0: =====================================================
coturn_1 | 0: ===========Discovering relay addresses: =============
coturn_1 | 0: Relay address to use:
coturn_1 | 0: Relay address to use:
coturn_1 | 0: Relay address to use: ::1
coturn_1 | 0: =====================================================
coturn_1 | 0: Total: 3 relay addresses discovered
coturn_1 | 0: =====================================================
coturn_1 | 0: pid file created: /var/run/
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (main listener thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: WARNING: I cannot support STUN CHANGE_REQUEST functionality because only one IP address is provided
coturn_1 | 0: Wait for relay ports initialization

coturn_1 | 0: relay initialization

coturn_1 | 0: relay initialization done
coturn_1 | 0: relay initialization

coturn_1 | 0: relay initialization done
coturn_1 | 0: relay ::1 initialization

coturn_1 | 0: relay ::1 initialization done
coturn_1 | 0: Relay ports initialization done
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (general relay thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (general relay thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: turn server id=0 created
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (general relay thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (general relay thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: turn server id=1 created
coturn_1 | 0: turn server id=2 created
coturn_1 | 0: turn server id=4 created
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (general relay thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. SCTP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. TCP listener opened on :
coturn_1 | 0: IPv6. SCTP listener opened on : ::1:3478
coturn_1 | 0: IPv60: IPv4. UDP listener opened on:
coturn_1 | 0: IPv4. UDP listener opened on:
coturn_1 | 0: IPv6. UDP listener opened on: ::1:3478
coturn_1 | 0: Total General servers: 8
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (auth thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (auth thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (admin thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (auth thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: IO method (auth thread): epoll (with changelist)
coturn_1 | 0: Redis DB sync connection success: ip= dbname=0 password=MY_SECRET connect_timeout=30

Browser Log

main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Request of TOKEN gone WELL (TOKEN:wss://
httpPostRequest.loadingVisible @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Request of TOKEN gone WELL (TOKEN:wss://
httpPostRequest.loadingVisible @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1

main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘OpenVidu’ initialized
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 openvidu-browser version: 2.15.0
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘OpenVidu’ initialized
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 openvidu-browser version: 2.15.0
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘OpenVidu’ initialized
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 openvidu-browser version: 2.15.0
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 [DevicesService] Devices found: Array(5)
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 [DevicesService] Camera selected undefined
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘accessAllowed’ triggered once by ‘Publisher’
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 New video element associated to t {userHandlerArrowHandler: WeakMap, ee: r, videos: Array(1), lazyLaunchVideoElementCreatedEvent: false, stream: t, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Your local ‘Stream’ with id [undefined] video is now playing
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 [StorageService] Storing on localStorage “openviduCallNickname” with value “{“item”:“MĂ©dico”}”
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 [VideoRoomComponent] Received external tokens from Angular Library
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 STUN/TURN server IP:
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 TURN temp credentials [XE4QXJ:3ffhmc]
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 openvidu-server version: 2.15.0
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 New video element associated to t {userHandlerArrowHandler: WeakMap, ee: r, videos: Array(2), lazyLaunchVideoElementCreatedEvent: false, stream: t, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Connection’ created (local)
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘connectionCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “connectionCreated”, connection: e, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘connectionCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “connectionCreated”, connection: e, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 STUN/TURN server IP:
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 TURN temp credentials [AZYE5Z:tsytl6]
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 openvidu-server version: 2.15.0
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Connection’ created (remote) with ‘connectionId’ [con_SXJcKtssY2]
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘connectionCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “connectionCreated”, connection: e, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘connectionCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “connectionCreated”, connection: e, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Connection’ created (local)
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Connection’ created (remote) with ‘connectionId’ [con_UwGXCghG7k]
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 [OpenviduSessionComponent] WARN: joinSession event is DEPRECATED. Please consider to use sessionCreated event
w @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
emitJoinSessionEvent @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
oo @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
r @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
i @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
__tryOrUnsub @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
next @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
_next @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
next @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
next @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
emit @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
(anonymous) @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
o @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
invoke @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
onInvoke @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
invoke @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
run @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
(anonymous) @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
invokeTask @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
onInvokeTask @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
invokeTask @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
runTask @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
m @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
invokeTask @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
p @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
f @ polyfills-es2015.f332a089ad1600448873.js:1
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Remote ‘Connection’ with ‘connectionId’ [con_UwGXCghG7k] is now configured for receiving Streams with options: {id: “str_CAM_BqVH_con_UwGXCghG7k”, createdAt: 1596146095929, connection: e, hasAudio: true, hasVideo: true, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection c2fd07e9-0268-4cb0-b1d8-271d1018de60 (publisher of con_UwGXCghG7k) change to “checking”
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘streamCreated’ triggered by ‘Publisher’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “streamCreated”, stream: t, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Publisher’ (str_CAM_BqVH_con_UwGXCghG7k) successfully published to session
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Connection’ created (remote) with ‘connectionId’ [con_HDupEeK43R]
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘connectionCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “connectionCreated”, connection: e, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘connectionCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “connectionCreated”, connection: e, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Connection’ created (remote) with ‘connectionId’ [con_HDupEeK43R]
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 New signal: {“data”:"{“nickname”:“Participante80”}",“type”:“signal:nicknameChanged”,“from”:“con_HDupEeK43R”}
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘signal:nicknameChanged’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “signal:nicknameChanged”, data: “{“nickname”:“Participante80”}”, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Connection’ created (remote) with ‘connectionId’ [con_Bk9dAIOwYc]
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Connection’ created (remote) with ‘connectionId’ [con_Bk9dAIOwYc]
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘connectionCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “connectionCreated”, connection: e, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘connectionCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “connectionCreated”, connection: e, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Remote ‘Connection’ with ‘connectionId’ [con_HDupEeK43R] is now configured for receiving Streams with options: {id: “str_CAM_F9fA_con_HDupEeK43R”, createdAt: 1596146116941, connection: e, hasAudio: true, hasVideo: true, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘streamCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “streamCreated”, stream: t, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Event ‘streamCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ t {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: t, type: “streamCreated”, stream: t, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Subscribing to con_HDupEeK43R
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Remote ‘Connection’ with ‘connectionId’ [con_HDupEeK43R] is now configured for receiving Streams with options: {id: “str_CAM_F9fA_con_HDupEeK43R”, createdAt: 1596146116941, connection: e, hasAudio: true, hasVideo: true, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 New video element associated to t {userHandlerArrowHandler: WeakMap, ee: r, videos: Array(1), lazyLaunchVideoElementCreatedEvent: false, stream: t, 
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 ‘Subscriber’ (str_CAM_F9fA_con_HDupEeK43R) successfully subscribed
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 Subscribed correctly to con_HDupEeK43R
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection bb8422d2-9ae8-473b-af39-8dc7eb2f196e (str_CAM_F9fA_con_HDupEeK43R) change to “checking”
main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection c2fd07e9-0268-4cb0-b1d8-271d1018de60 (publisher of con_UwGXCghG7k) change to “disconnected”. Possible network disconnection
e.warn @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1
pc.oniceconnectionstatechange @ main-es2015.950e7089c1acbf9fd533.js:1

I have to say that users can join because the UI creates the respective frames and in the left-lower I can see the remote users count. Chat works fine and I have set all ports according to docs.

I just need to fix this and all would be working properly. Could you please take a look to the logs and give me some ideas/advices to solve this?.

Thanks in advance.

PS: I’ve been following this thread and others trying to find something realated to.

It’s a really strange behavior. In my case, the thread you mentioned it’s not even a custom web app, it’s the openvidu-call app. And neither deploy on a ubuntu server nor locally (through this guide) it works. But if I try it all works fine. I too only needed to sort this out and have it worked as needed.

Hope we can solve our issues with the help of the development team.

Good luck!

@Desarrollo definitely its wrong because if openvidu server installed on subdomain then its issues . But can you recheck because i tried to check your subdomain it not displayed anything .So try to change coturn IP here inside docker but its set only once at first time after that its not i thinks thats why if ip is not static its change every time
or installed agian openvidu server with correct ip and domains

The COTURN IP is automatically obtained resolving the domain.

It seems we have a bug somewhere so the domain name “” is being recognized as “” to calculate the IP.

Try to use just IP instead domain to see if all is working as expected.

its not working . i thinks when user start first time then it get ip after if ip change then it not resolved or not take new ip or doamin again
i seen
I solved this issue by fresh installation