Hi, I am new to openvidu.
Recently, I am developing an IP camera streaming web application that uses webrtc.
Openvidu Deployment CE was installed in a server where public IP is attached and,
I added IPCAM connection of remote ipcamera to a session like below.
body = {
‘type’: ‘IPCAM’,
‘data’: ‘Left’,
‘record’: False,
‘rtspUri’: “id:password@”,
‘adaptativeBitrate’: False,
‘onlyPlayWithSubscribers’: True
response = requests.post(url=OPENVIDU_URL + ‘openvidu/api/sessions/’ + sessionId + ‘/connection’,
headers={‘Content-type’: ‘application/json’},
The above code was executed in a remote host which is in the same network with the camera.
but when I tried to enter the session and subscribe the stream in browser, the video is not shown.
Executing “./openvidu logs” shows INVALID_URI error.
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [ERROR] 2024-04-04 12:52:51,698 [AbstractJsonRpcClientWebSocket-reqResEventExec-e2-t2987] io.openvidu.server.kurento.core.KurentoParticipantEndpointConfig - KMS event [ERROR]: → endpoint: str_IPC_Yafp_ipc_IPCAM_rtsp_4U4Y_192_168_13_100_554_stream=1 (publisher) | errorCode: 0 | description: Invalid URI | timestamp: 1712235171698
I suspect that the rtspUri of the connection is not a valid since it is a private ip address which openvidu deployment cannot see. maybe I misunderstood the usage of IPCAM.
In summary, I want my ip cameras behind a firewall(NAT) to be streamed over Openvidu webrtc. How can I stream ip cameras to openvidu deployment so that browser clients can subscribe it?
Please give me any feedback.
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Jiseong Heo