Deploying openvidu-ipcameras not working


I am new to openvidu and I need some help, please.
I have an openvidu server installed on a cloud VM to which I am trying to connect in order to create a session with several IP Cameras but I get the following errors:

The logs from the openvidu server seem ok and for me is quite hidden what is happening with the stream
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:33:53,654 [http-nio-] - Generated token wss://
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:34:45,001 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession 4B8B5D130E670F61B80BDDB90A56C353
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:35:45,858 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession 794E7EA1791343AAD706C7D79A2CF2F8
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:35:51,940 [http-nio-] - REST API: GET /openvidu/api/sessions
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:35:52,143 [http-nio-] - REST API: GET /openvidu/api/sessions/MySurveillanceSession
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:35:52,323 [http-nio-] - REST API: POST /openvidu/api/sessions/MySurveillanceSession/connection {session=MySurveillanceSession, type=WEBRTC, data=null, record=null, role=SUBSCRIBER, kurentoOptions=null, customIceServers=, rtspUri=null, adaptativeBitrate=null, onlyPlayWithSubscribers=null, networkCache=null}
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:35:52,325 [http-nio-] - Generated token wss://
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:36:46,727 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession 36CC92F92C7749F5B4B50243518934A0
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:37:47,611 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession E98E4CADEEF1FE4B0DF942A87A7023DB
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:38:48,537 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession ADB410B7885A6633CD6046E817A1F462
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:39:49,484 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession 83EA02482B6637654C3494E6DF3A4FA0
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:40:50,328 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession 369D20B3C214921B17723C66310C9CA5
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:41:51,223 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession 1708C3C5BF160CFC1246687672F37FDA
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:42:52,109 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession F3EFA08B7B92F2F31D079006CE175CA2
openvidu-openvidu-server-1 | [INFO] 2023-07-20 17:43:52,984 [http-nio-] io.openvidu.server.config.HttpHandshakeInterceptor - New HttpSession 3F3B486585B3AD6D14D52EA5D272344A

Is it possible to have a look on this please, @pabloFuente .

The problem can have 2 origins:

  1. Your IP camera is not reachable by your OpenVidu deployment. To check this, try connecting to the rtsp stream using other software (such as VLC media player).
  2. Your OpenVidu deployment is not properly configured with the required opened ports. Make sure the network configuration of your VM is right as described in the deployment documentation.

Hello @pabloFuente :slight_smile:
Thank you for your answer.
The stream works from VLC.
And these are the ports inside the VM.

And the ports are open like the documentation says.

Here it shows loading but after wards it appear black