There was an error connecting to the seesion

I deploying OpenVidu CE on premises.
I download the install_openvidu_2.26.0 .sh and I just configure DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP= and OPENVIDU_SECRET.
./openvidu start.

I accessed and joined the room in Google Chrome, but an error popped up:
There was an error connecting to the seesion

Error on publishVideo: {"request":"{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"publishVideo\",\"params\":{\"doLoopback\":false,\"hasAudio\":true,\"hasVideo\":true,\"audioActive\":true,\"videoActive\":true,\"typeOfVideo\":\"CAM....

Did I miss any configuration when I deployed?
Can somebody help me?
Thank u very much!

I used a different deployment scenario and deployed the following three images


I used the certificate in openvidu-tutorials/certs and
changed the openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-angular/nginx.conf line 12 port from 4200 to 5000

upstream client-application {
        server host.docker.internal:5000;

I just wanted to build the minimum available Openvidu experience environment, but neither solution had a way to see remote video.

Has anyone had this problem before?
If someone has encountered a similar problem before and has solved it, can you paste the problem link.
thank you.
Looking forward to your reply


I’m afraid that openvidu/openvidu-dev container is not enough for production environments. You need to deploy OpenVidu as stated here: Intro - OpenVidu Docs

Hi, pabloFuente.
Thank you for your reply.
I deployed Openvidu based on the documentation you gave me.
I encounter my first question: “There was an error connecting to the session”
Do I need to configure anything besides DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP, OPENVIDU_SECRET, and certificates?

Where do you see this error? In OpenVidu Call application?

Check the logs of the containers running to see if there is something missconfigured.
