IP camera:Connected but no video

I have the same problem as IP Camera : video isn't playing
But using VLC can play video well.

I send a request to the server with postman.

The browser receives the message of new user joining, but can’t get the video.The console reported some errors.

This problem puzzles me.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Are you using the official IPCamera tutorial?

It seems a rare bug in the browser side

Yes, I used the rest API from the official tutorial. The browser and mobile app have detected that there are users joining, but there is only a black box and no video. I wonder if there is something wrong with my implementation or if openvidu doesn’t support my IP camera. Thank you for your reply.

I think that this is probably related to something on your client-side code. It seems that you are using the Canvas API, and something must be wrong with it. How are you inserting the camera video in your client?