IP Camera : video isn't playing

hello I am using the webcomponent to implement a video chat, if I connect a client using as a video source the webcam works, but if I use an IP Camera as a source (using RTSP) it shows a gray screen instead of the video. The problem appears to be similar to the one described here: https://github.com/OpenVidu/openvidu/issues/423

Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug regarding IP cameras?

To publish the IP cameras I followed this guide here: https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.12.0/advanced-features/ip-cameras/

Thanks in advance for your help.

In case of problems, please can you test if RTSP URL you used with OpenVidu with other software (like VLC or GStreamer)?

If it is working, please share with us kms logs when you connect the camera.


I have tested the rtsp url with vlc and it works.
These are the logs produced by kms:

According to logs:

2020-05-20 07:04:28,479 DEBG 'kms' stdout output:

0:00:59.042045119 8 0x5649b4c45200 ERROR playerendpoint kmsplayerendpoint.c:1338:process_bus_message:<kmsplayerendpoint0> Error code 9: 'Could not read from resource.', element: source, parent: internalpipeline

0:00:59.042058119 8 0x5649b4c45200 ERROR playerendpoint kmsplayerendpoint.c:1341:process_bus_message:<kmsplayerendpoint0> Debugging info: gstrtspsrc.c(5500): gst_rtspsrc_try_send (): /GstPipeline:internalpipeline/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0/GstRTSPSrc:source:

Could not receive message. (Received end-of-file)

0:00:59.042059219 8 0x7f31bc003150 DEBUG KurentoWebSocketEventHandler WebSocketEventHandler.cpp:56:sendEvent: Sending event: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"onEvent","params":{"value":{"data":{"description":"Invalid URI","errorCode":0,"source":"04efea1e-a558-4235-b84c-b847e4bd4b6d_kurento.MediaPipeline/e848be38-9a1a-40c7-bb61-b1553cf279d2_kurento.PlayerEndpoint","tags":[],"timestamp":"1589958268","timestampMillis":"1589958268479","type":"INVALID_URI"},"object":"04efea1e-a558-4235-b84c-b847e4bd4b6d_kurento.MediaPipeline/e848be38-9a1a-40c7-bb61-b1553cf279d2_kurento.PlayerEndpoint","type":"Error"}}}, sessionId: 9f8d3bdc-8ac7-4825-a5fe-f39a3c25cbd8

0:00:59.042080119 8 0x5649b4c45200 ERROR playerendpoint kmsplayerendpoint.c:1338:process_bus_message:<kmsplayerendpoint0> Error code 10: 'Could not write to resource.', element: source, parent: internalpipeline

0:00:59.042084519 8 0x5649b4c45200 ERROR playerendpoint kmsplayerendpoint.c:1341:process_bus_message:<kmsplayerendpoint0> Debugging info: gstrtspsrc.c(6994): gst_rtspsrc_close (): /GstPipeline:internalpipeline/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin0/GstRTSPSrc:source:

Could not send message. (Received end-of-file)

GStreamer RTSP client is not able to read from the IP camera.

Maybe some network issue or an incompatibility.


thank you very much actually it was a problem of the IP camera

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It seems that. It is now working?