The issue is when a publisher attempt to join a room. For example if I have 2 users in one room, and then another one join, sometimes the other 2 users can not see the webcam of the 3th user. Sometimes happens backward, like the 3th user does not see one of the other 2 users.
Image: openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:2.16.0
Tutorial: openvidu-js-node
I have my own STUN/TURN server on an AWS instance.
Time Component Type Foundation Protocol Address Port Priority
0.004 rtp host 562955089 udp 6fbe89fe-0630-4b3c-baa5-85de3bdfe80d.local 63766 126 | 30 | 255
0.197 rtp srflx 842163049 udp 31817 100 | 30 | 255
0.197 Done
(If I refresh the page and attempt to reconnect on the same room, sometimes it works, but sometimes I need to join the room 2-3 times to see all the publisher webcams)
I’m not sure how to debug this, on the chrome console there are no errors.
After researching a little bit I found this:
OpenViduLogger.ts:37 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection ae0222b2-9ae9-43ec-85a9-dc4aec0bf389 (str_CAM_HJyk_con_HQRlRioSVV) change to "disconnected". Possible network disconnection
Not sure what is wrong
This is the console log for the image example:
'OpenVidu' initialized
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 openvidu-browser version: 2.16.0
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 openvidu-server version: 2.16.0
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 'Connection' created (local)
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Remote 'Connection' with 'connectionId' [con_Q9DptDjOg4] is now configured for receiving Streams with options: {id: "str_CAM_RD9Q_con_Q9DptDjOg4", createdAt: 1610457162461, connection: Connection, hasAudio: true, hasVideo: true, …}
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 'Connection' created (remote) with 'connectionId' [con_Q9DptDjOg4]
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Event 'streamCreated' triggered by 'Session' StreamEvent {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: Session, type: "streamCreated", stream: Stream, …}
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Subscribing to con_Q9DptDjOg4
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Event 'videoElementCreated' triggered by 'Subscriber' VideoElementEvent {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: Subscriber, type: "videoElementCreated", element: video#remote-video-str_CAM_RD9Q_con_Q9DptDjOg4}
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 'Subscriber' (str_CAM_RD9Q_con_Q9DptDjOg4) successfully subscribed
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Subscribed correctly to con_Q9DptDjOg4
OpenViduLogger.ts:19 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection 5ba11668-5633-4829-8a6b-d1b0fa9b2013 (str_CAM_RD9Q_con_Q9DptDjOg4) change to "checking"
OpenViduLogger.ts:19 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection 5ba11668-5633-4829-8a6b-d1b0fa9b2013 (str_CAM_RD9Q_con_Q9DptDjOg4) change to "connected"
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Event 'videoElementCreated' triggered by 'Publisher' VideoElementEvent {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: Publisher, type: "videoElementCreated", element: video#local-video-undefined}
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 'Publisher' (str_CAM_DgMS_con_RQDeUm6fUu) successfully published to session
OpenViduLogger.ts:19 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection 970e37f3-7475-489f-91bd-c1d893b2cabe (publisher of con_RQDeUm6fUu) change to "checking"
OpenViduLogger.ts:19 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection 970e37f3-7475-489f-91bd-c1d893b2cabe (publisher of con_RQDeUm6fUu) change to "connected"
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Your local 'Stream' with id [str_CAM_DgMS_con_RQDeUm6fUu] video is now playing
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Remote 'Stream' with id [str_CAM_RD9Q_con_Q9DptDjOg4] video is now playing
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 'Connection' created (remote) with 'connectionId' [con_UBny0RxFP5]
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 'Connection' created (remote) with 'connectionId' [con_IKReUrE9po]
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 'Connection' created (remote) with 'connectionId' [con_JAblCi0RIW]
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Remote 'Connection' with 'connectionId' [con_JAblCi0RIW] is now configured for receiving Streams with options: {id: "str_CAM_PKnc_con_JAblCi0RIW", createdAt: 1610457538782, connection: Connection, hasAudio: true, hasVideo: true, …}
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Event 'streamCreated' triggered by 'Session' StreamEvent {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: Session, type: "streamCreated", stream: Stream, …}
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Subscribing to con_JAblCi0RIW
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Event 'videoElementCreated' triggered by 'Subscriber' VideoElementEvent {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: Subscriber, type: "videoElementCreated", element: video#remote-video-str_CAM_PKnc_con_JAblCi0RIW}
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 'Subscriber' (str_CAM_PKnc_con_JAblCi0RIW) successfully subscribed
OpenViduLogger.ts:31 Subscribed correctly to con_JAblCi0RIW
OpenViduLogger.ts:19 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection 2ff65195-a27d-408f-a990-0db7401707fd (str_CAM_PKnc_con_JAblCi0RIW) change to "checking"
OpenViduLogger.ts:19 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection 2ff65195-a27d-408f-a990-0db7401707fd (str_CAM_PKnc_con_JAblCi0RIW) change to "connected"