If openvidu is turned on for a long time, the cam video of the other party does not appear.
If you turn off the server and then turn it on again, the other party’s cam video is displayed again.
May I know what’s the problem?
If openvidu is turned on for a long time, the cam video of the other party does not appear.
If you turn off the server and then turn it on again, the other party’s cam video is displayed again.
May I know what’s the problem?
You probably have a wrong configuration deployment, or maybe some ports are not accessible from the browser.
Can you do the same test by doing it in firefox and watching candidates of about:webrtc
At about:webrtc
you can see candidates selected for WebRTC communication. If you see some “red candidates” on that screen and no “green candidates”, something is not working properly with ports or configuration.
This is the mayor reason of intermitent failures while connecting, ICE connection errors.