We are bringing up the IP camera based openvidu service to view the streams in the browser through angular app.
Here is the setup configurations:
OS: Ubuntu 18:04
Docker image run: sudo docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP= -e OPENVIDU_SECRET=*********** openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:2.21.0
RTSP Stream publisher: Spring boot application to publish the IP cameras(mvn package exec:java)
- server.address:
- server.port: 8089
- openvidu-url:
- openvidu-secret: ***********
Client Application: Angular(insecure) application(npm openvidu-browser) (ng serve --host
Note: All the services (Docker, Spring boot app & Angular application) is running on the same box with subnet-ip(
Testing process:
Chrome browser from the same box( can able to see the streams without any issue the console log output for success case is as follows
- Event ‘streamCreated’ triggered by ‘Session’ StreamEvent {hasBeenPrevented: false, cancelable: false, target: Session, type: ‘streamCreated’, stream: Stream, …}
- OpenViduLogger.js:246 Subscribing to ipc_IPCAM_rtsp_TU2T_172_16_30_212_554_Streaming_channels_102
- live-stream-videos.component.ts:75 Session Has Connected Successfully
- OpenViduLogger.js:246 ‘Subscriber’ (str_IPC_Txik_ipc_IPCAM_rtsp_M3BJ_172_16_30_216_554_Streaming_channels_102) successfully subscribed
- OpenViduLogger.js:246 Subscribed correctly to ipc_IPCAM_rtsp_M3BJ_172_16_30_216_554_Streaming_channels_102
- OpenViduLogger.js:219 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection be51f57a-d757-4db5-8df6-92a94da15bee (str_IPC_Txik_ipc_IPCAM_rtsp_M3BJ_172_16_30_216_554_Streaming_channels_102) change to “checking”
- OpenViduLogger.js:219 IceConnectionState of RTCPeerConnection be51f57a-d757-4db5-8df6-92a94da15bee (str_IPC_Txik_ipc_IPCAM_rtsp_M3BJ_172_16_30_216_554_Streaming_channels_102) change to “connected”
Chrome browser from other box in the same sub net(, unable to see the stream getting the error here is the log output image