Hello community! I have successfully deployed Openvidu CE (on-premises) on my cloud server (with valid a domain and owncert SSL). Now I can streaming my IPCam (rtsp streaming) to openvidu within the VPN network (to my Openvidu server). However, it did not work without the VPN connection… Should I config the .env before starting the Openvidu? Or the Openvidu did not support Coturn when streaming RTSP stream (only for webRTC)? Thanks.
So you have an OpenVidu CE deployment inside a private network.
Do you want to be able to publish an RTSP stream from outside the private network (being the IP camera not connected to it)?
Or do you want to be able to receive the stream as a Subscriber of an OpenVidu Session from outside the private network, while the IP camera is connected to the private network?
Hi, dev! Thanks for your reply. Actually I am trying to send my RTSP streaming to the Openvidu without VPN connection. Any suggestions? Thanks again!
If your OpenVidu deployment sits behind a restricted VPN, connecting anything from outside the private network will be difficult (whether it is an IP camera or a browser WebRTC connection).
Hi, dev. We have deployed our Openvidu server on a cloud server with a valid public Domain ( https://pxbd2.pxaiot.com:9443 ). However, our 32 IPCams (RTSP streamings) are all behind NAT (Actually they are simulated IPcams within Gazebo simulation environment). I am not sure how to send those RTSP streamings to our Openvidu server without a VPN connection to out Openvidu cloud server. Thanks for your reply