sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 5AFA7A83
gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure. This is the problem and not getting resolved
any help
I think this might be a problem with your DNS. Kurento repository is up and running with no problem, so must be some kind of networking failure on the client side. I suggest you give a try to some of the solutions people propose here:
Thanks for help. Its working now . Also now i am facing problem . when i run the openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-js-node.
The screen is not allowing me to join , following is the error .
Getting a token | {sessionName}={Session 2}
New session Session 2
Error: 503
at /home/Prateek/openvidu/openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-js-node/node_modules/openvidu-node-client/lib/Session.js:413:32
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
Getting a token | {sessionName}={Session 7}
New session Session 7
Error: 503
at /home/Prateek/openvidu/openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-js-node/node_modules/openvidu-node-client/lib/Session.js:413:32
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7).
Please help . I tried but its not working
my following command is working and the test is successful but node app is not running
java -jar -Dopenvidu.secret=123 -Dopenvidu.publicurl=https://my IP:4443/ openvidu-server-2.11.0.jar
The above issues i am getting error
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE
app.js:203 Request of TOKEN gone WRONG:
processRequest @ app.js:203
First of all, are you able to connect to OpenVidu Server Dashboard at https://myIP:4443/ ?(OPENVIDUAPP:123 as user and pass according to your command above). You should be able to execute the video test there and see your webcam.
Yes i am able to connect and see the webcam
Ok. How did you run node tutorial? Did you follow this exact steps?
Seems that the request to POST /api/tokens did not succeed.
I followed the steps , only I did not run below command , as i separately ran KMS and Openvidu server both are running and did execute the video test
This command was not run for openvidu-js-node
docker run -p 4443:4443 --rm -e openvidu.secret=MY_SECRET openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:2.11.0
I thing some how i am not able to connect to openvidu server…?
Yes, probably connection between your OPenVidu Server and your openvidu-js-node app is failing. You just have to make sure that your openvidu-js-node app has access to https://myIP:4443/ (if that’s your openvidu-server ip), and to provide the proper secret.
After running npm install
, you run openvidu-js-node app with this command: node server.js https://myIP:4443/ MY_SECRET
, being first parameter your openvidu-server full IP and second one your openvidu-server secret
When i put user as publisher1 and password as pass and click join i get following error
my openvidu server and KMS all is running fine
openvidu-mvc-node$ node server.js https://localhost:4443 123
App listening on port 5000
Logging in | {user, pass}={publisher1, pass}
‘publisher1’ has logged in
Getting a token | {sessionName}={Session 5}
New session Session 5
Error: 503
at /home/Prateek/openvidu/openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node/node_modules/openvidu-node-client/lib/Session.js:413:32
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
openvidu-mvc-node tutorial is working fine. Just tested it in localhost with openvidu-server-kms docker container as explained in the tutorial Docs, and also by using publicly accessible server.
You can try this last launching the node app with this command:
node server.js MY_SECRET
If that works fine, then you must have something wrong with your server configuration or deployment. 503 error is a Service Unavailable error:
And that error is not returned neither by the node app nor OpenVidu Server, so must be being generated somewhere else in your deployment.
when i am running this command and running openvidu server
java -jar -Dopenvidu.secret=123 -Dopenvidu.publicurl=https://my IP:4443/ openvidu-server-2.11.0.jar
This screen test is successful ////////l user name and password OPENVIDUAPP:123 is working fine
But when i am using command
docker run -p 4443:4443 -e openvidu.publicurl=https://myip:4443/ openvidu/openvidu-server-kms:2.11.0
its run successfully and but
This screen test is NOT successful /// user name and password OPENVIDUAPP:123 is not working
and when i run this command
node server.js MY_SECRET
error 401 comes , which is generic when server do not authorise. i think some issues with authorisation
Error: 401
at /home/Prateek/openvidu/openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node/node_modules/openvidu-node-client/lib/Session.js:413:32
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
I think both the issues in interlinked not able to run OPENVIDUAPP:123 and then not able to get into server using MY_SECRET
hi , My openvidu server and kurento server is running. and OPENVIDUAPP:123 is tested successfully.
Now how to run openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node
i am following the tutorial but getting error
node server.js https://myIP:4443/ 123
App listening on port 5000
Logging in | {user, pass}={publisher1, pass}
‘publisher1’ has logged in
Getting a token | {sessionName}={Session 2}
New session Session 2
Error: 503
at /home/Prateek/openvidu/openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node/node_modules/openvidu-node-client/lib/Session.js:413:32
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
Getting a token | {sessionName}={Session 2}
New session Session 2
Error: 503
at /home/Prateek/openvidu/openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node/node_modules/openvidu-node-client/lib/Session.js:413:32
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
Getting a token | {sessionName}={Session 1}
New session Session 1
Error: 503
at /home/Prateek/openvidu/openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node/node_modules/openvidu-node-client/lib/Session.js:413:32
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
Getting a token | {sessionName}={Session 1}
New session Session 1
Error: 503
at /home/Prateek/openvidu/openvidu-tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node/node_modules/openvidu-node-client/lib/Session.js:413:32
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:68:7)
if i run docker it runs but takes different java version and even OPENVIDUAPP:123 is not tested successfully.with docker.
but i believe we do not need docker when i am running Kurento server and openvidu server and they are connecting to each other and test is successful , issues is with openvidu-node-client.
need support , last three days tried but same error comes each time i run .
I am surprise… how complex is to just run one simple test???
I am running openvidu server with this command and testing OPENVIDUAPP:123 its working fine
sudo -E java -jar -Dopenvidu.secret=123 -Dopenvidu.publicurl= openvidu-server-2.11.0.jar
and then running
node server.js 123
and getting error . is it some version issues
https://localhost:4443/accept-certificate .
how to accept the certificate . i have generated the certificate , but browser is not taking
This command is wrong.
Should be, according to documentation:
node server.js 123
Thanks for your help .I just re-installed ever thing and have successfully ran
docker run -p 4443:4443 openvidu/basic-videoconference-demo
now trying to run
openvidu-hello-world , again the OPENVIDUAPP :123 is working fine .
When using localhost:8080. in popup promoting for certificate at https://localhost:4443. when clicking ok its giving error . i generated the certificate as per the instruction key.pem and cert.pem. now how to proceed. i am using chrome