Kurento 443 Connection Refused

I’ve set up OpenVidu on AWS through the cloud formation script. I can access the start app from a browser and start a session and video and sound all works.
I’ve set up an external app EC2 instance for testing and have installed the hello world app and changed app.js server entries
var OPENVIDU_SERVER_URL = “https://[myopenvidu server].us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:4443”;
var OPENVIDU_SERVER_SECRET = “[the secret i set when i set it up]”;
When going to my hello world application, I get the ‘Join a video session’ prompt. But when clicking on Join, I get the No Connection to OpenVidu server. I have a self signed cert. When it redirects me to the openvidu server on 4443 I get an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
So, I discovered that Kurento didn’t seem to be installed, so installed it an have confirmed through the terminal that it is working and running.
systemctl status kurento -media- server . service looks good, and
curl -i -N
-H “Connection: Upgrade”
-H “Upgrade: websocket”
-H “Host:”
-H “Origin:”
gives me the 500 that it should
So, what can I do to diagnose the issue?
Is it an issue with using the self signed cert, or is it something else, and how do I tell the difference?
The security group seems to allow 4443 from any IP, so I don’t think it’s a port access issue.

If you installed last version (2.13), OpenVidu is provided in 443 port (not 4443).

You dont have to install KMS by yourself as it is installed with docker.

Thank you. That was it.

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