but now i have another issues . when i am trying to run from another computer on same network with http://MY IP: 8080. and joining the session the camera is not seen. the screen is blank .
but when i run https://myip:4443. camera is working and session is getting established.
i am running docker my command to start the server is
Finally my openvidu-library-angular is running fine. now i have another issue of screen sharing . I am able to share the screen but its not visible on another computer screen on same network. I am trying to test this,
screen is shared but its not visible on another computer.
Do you have any idea why this is happening . The chat and video is working perfectly
Please do help my screen sharing is not working fbelowcode looks okey. I am not getting any error , the default chrome extension is installed and i am able to share screen ( Participant 1 and Session A) but (Participant 2 and session A) is not able to see screen
do i need to change in the below code some where . on look every thing looks fine
const mediaConstraints: MediaStreamConstraints = {
if (!!publisherProperties.videoSource && typeof publisherProperties.videoSource === 'string') {
if (publisherProperties.videoSource === 'screen' ||
publisherProperties.videoSource === 'window' ||
(platform.name === 'Electron' && publisherProperties.videoSource.startsWith('screen:')))
================= some issues here
else {
// Default screen sharing extension for Chrome/Opera, or is Firefox < 66
const firefoxString = platform.name!.indexOf(‘Firefox’) !== -1 ? publisherProperties.videoSource :’;.getScreenId(firefoxString, (error, sourceId, screenConstraints) => {
When i am changing the videoSource:“screen”, i am able to share only screen no video call can any one help where to change setting of videoSource: " Screen"
Already the properties = param2 is taking the videoSource= undefined and when i share the screen it shares the screen but is not visible to other participant