- I would like to ask if it’s possible to launch a live stream and adjust it to make it either public for all viewers or private to some viewers ?
-Can i integrate openvidu on laravel project ?
Thank you
-Can i integrate openvidu on laravel project ?
Thank you
Yes, you can implement an application using OpenVidu and control who can view the stream and who can not.
But take into account the OpenVidu uses WebRTC technology, and it didn’t scale to thousand of viewers. The max number of viewers is between 50 and 100 depending on several factors (machine CPU, bandwidth, viewers network quality, etc.)
Yes, using the OpenVidu REST API from the backend.
if we order functionality rtmp does the number of viewers limit to 100?
Our need no limit on number of viewers.
Thank you
I don’t understand your question. OpenVidu doesn’t support RTMP at the moment.
Hello, I would like to use your API but the issue is that I tested the demo in your website and they are very slow when I launch or start a video. Is there any solution to this problem ? Thank you for your consideration.
What you mean by “very slow”? The video takes too long to appear? How much is “too long”? In my test, the connection is performed almost instantaneously.
For me the video appear instantly but for the viewer who is watching my stream, it takes too long for me to see him
What do you consider “too long”. A second? Two seconds?
We started to work with JAVA, for the moment it’s the free version and once we finish developping our APP we will buy the pro version. However, the camera on the local pc works but when we host the project on the server it stops working.
Another thing, we also tried with NODEJS, when we launch the server JS and it give us this error
URL format incorrect ReferenceError: URL is not defined
Thank you
That’s too little information for us to help you:
About the server, the error happens when we execute node server.js httpsHGCXW://ip:4443 MY_SECRET
Thank you
I followed the steps on the link https://docs.openvidu.io/en/stable/deployment/ and this the error that occured :
Thank you
It seems openvidu-server-kms is not properly executed in https://localhost:4443.
Are you using windows? Have you read specific instructions on some windows systems?
Can you execute the command docker ps
and share the output?
Nginx container is not executed.
You have a mix between openvidu for development and openvidu for production. Please stop all containers and use only development container.
I reseted the whole server, I would like to host the project in the server. For the moment I didn’t install anything, can you please confirm the instructions on this link are the right ones ?
Thank you
Yes, those are the latest official instructions to deploy OpenVidu on premises
Ok Thank you ,
Do I have to follow these instructions at the beginning ?
Regarding this, I don’t understand what I have to change ?
sudo sed -i “s/DAEMON_USER=“kurento”/DAEMON_USER=”${USER}"/g" /etc/default/kurento-media-server
Do I have to follow the instructions above before this one ?
Why are you mixing different versions of the installation instructions? Please, use the 2.14.0 instructions, exaclty as stated. Just this:
I have followed all the instructions step by step , however I have multiple errors :
1- docker-compose logs nginx
2- ( ./openvidu start) ==> openvidu is ready in port 4443 (dashboard not working)
3- (after test by Secret = FORMIFY show this error)
4-logs app (docker-compose logs app (dashboard working in port 5443)
Thank you for your consideration