Comparison to red5pro


Please compare to red5pro.
Our use case is developing app similar to twitch.
Millions of users.

Hi it’s WebRTC not RTMP .Please search differences between them.
But you can webrtc as ingestion . For tech strategy’s you have to make yourself

You mean openvidu lacks rtmp?

for now openvidu is not providing simulcast and like any service . Its in road map but no service like is there as i know . But i think you can make your self
more info see

@vim55k if your issue solved pleases let us know so we can close this issue

OpenVidu is not designed for massive streaming. For that, the best way is using a CDN service using HLS or MPEG/DASH.

We are working on integrating OpenVidu PRO with CDN services, but it is not available now.


I am into webrtc for low latency. So no CDN.
Thanks. You can close

@cruizba please close this issue

If you want low latency, basic WebRTC is not enough. You will need several webRtc servers connected in cascade and other media management techniques to avoid publisher overload.

OpenVidu doesn’t implement that feature right now. But if you are interested, we can implement it for you as part of our commercial services. If you are interested, please contact us in the email


What about cost i mean which is more cost efficent cascade webrtc vs cdn

CDN is cheaper than WebRTC server cascading. But CDN will add 5-10 seconds latency while WebRTC will stay sub-seconds latency.