IMPORTANT: OpenVidu PRO License Check Outage

Hello folks,

I am very sorry. We had an outage in our license check system and it is possible that your OpenVidu PRO installation had also an outage.

To restart your OpenVidu service, connect through ssh to the OpenVidu Server Pro Node and run this simple command:

sudo systemctl restart openvidu.service

The problem is already solved and license check system is working again. We will implement fault tolerance measures to avoid these problems in the future.

I hope you can accept our apology.

Best regards


thanks for the information. And what do I have to do to fix the problem?

When I call the inspector, I currently get “502 Bad Gateway”.

Is a restart of the OpenVidu server sufficient? Does it affect the nodes?

Thanks for your answer.

You have to restart openvidu-server connecting with ssh to OpenVidu PRO master and exec the command:

sudo systemctl restart openvidu.service

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