How to regenerate SSL certificate

Yes i know there are lots previously problems reported on ssl
You’re doings great But if any help needed just tell me , i will love to help

One thing i want to inform openvidu team that it’s vertical scalibility and recoding scalibility problem killings openvidu customer as i per my knowledge in openvidu pro or any openvidu CE
Second at least make openvidu CE version also scalable

Its just suggestions got by many clients
Rest is awesome

Thank you for suggestions @vipin_mishra.

COMPOSED recording will be finally scalable in OpenVidu PRO 2.17 version (to be released in 2 weeks) because it will be moved to media nodes (currently is being performed in master node).

OpenVidu CE is already scalable, but just with vertical scalability.

Best regards

I followed this approach as my certificate is not renewd as well. Unfortunatelly, the server it not accessible after it. Any idea why it is not working now? I am attaching the screenshot.

docker exec -it openvidu_nginx_1 crontab -l


0 */12 * * * certbot renew --post-hook "nginx -s reload" >> /var/log/cron-letsencrypt.log

And this command

docker exec -it openvidu_nginx_1 certbot renew --post-hook "nginx -s reload"


Saving debug log to /var/log/letsencrypt/letsencrypt.log

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No renewals were attempted.
No hooks were run.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This was fixed 2 years ago. What version are you using?

We have multiple environments setup, and autorenews of letsencrypt certificates are working.

I am on 2.22. It is new installation, so I do believe it is the most recent - I used this command:


What directory did you used to install OpenVidu?

I would recommend you to reinstall OpenVidu CE.

You just need to follow these steps:

Curent latest at Dec. 2.24.0

Make sure that the installation is done in /opt/openvidu and to define at least these environment variables:

  • DOMAIN_OR_PUBLIC_IP=<AFullyQualifiedDomainName>
  • OPENVIDU_SECRET=whatever
  • CERTIFICATE_TYPE=letsencrypt

Also, make sure that ports 80 TCP, 443 TCP, 3478 TCP/UDP and 40000-65535 TCP/UDP are open for outside connections, and that your machine has an internet connection.

Specifically, for letsencrypt to work, you need port 80 and 443 open.

If you have any error, check the nginx logs, just in case letsencrypt for any reason blocked the domain after multiple tries. In case of this error, you may need to create assign a new domain name.