Dropped audio when someone leaves


My app supports a Zoom style video conferencing with NxN participants. I have been seeing this transient issue where when one person drops drops off the call non-gracefully (either browser closure or network disconnect), one or more users stop receiving audio from one or more participants. To be more specific, here is the sequence of events for the repro last time. We had a conference of 4 people A, B, C and D. D accidentally dropped from the call and rejoined in a few seconds. Once D got back A was no longer able to hear C. But everyone could hear everyone else. The issue got resolved when C left the meeting and joned back.

My app is on react and uses openvidu-browser . Anyone faced this issue? Any thoughts as to what might be going on? Any tips as to how I can go about investigating? I am new to openvidu and any help would be appreciated.


To further clarify. This is a video conference . Everyone was able to see everyone else. The outage was just the audio i.e A was not able to hear C but was still able to see C.


Hello @jaivasanth,

Can you replicate the issue with OpenVidu Call demo? https://demos.openvidu.io/openvidu-call/#/

Can you reproduce the issue consistently with any demo or tutorial? Can you describe precisely how we can replicate the issue?
