Hello Guy’s
COMPOSED recording not working form me but same as INDIVIDUAL recording working well also I can manually start and stop recording.
Can you please help me what is the issues?
Note :- please don’t say to refer doc I had done it.
Hello Guy’s
COMPOSED recording not working form me but same as INDIVIDUAL recording working well also I can manually start and stop recording.
Can you please help me what is the issues?
Note :- please don’t say to refer doc I had done it.
Do you realize that saying “this doesn’t work for me” gives us exactly 0 information about your problem?
Please, explain in detail your issue or we won’t be able to help you.
when am use INDIVIDUAL here it is working fine but
when am use COMPOSED and start recording it return 409 error.
Also some time return
Hello Guys no one is here?
Please can you answer the following questions?
Can you share with us the OpenVidu server logs to see what is going on in the back? Please specify the session id in which you are trying COMPOSED session recording so we can locate it in the logs.
Best regards
Are you using CE or PRO?
answer : CE
Have you deployed on premises or in AWS?
answer on premises
Or you also can generate a report:
@CSantosM has provided information about OpenVidu PRO.
As you have deployed OpenVidu CE, please find the information here: