Composed recording is blank and Individual recording is working fine

I have enable the OPENVIDU_RECORDING=true to in .env file . But in case of Composed recording video is blank. But in case of Individual recording its working fine. Is there something i have to set for composed recording to work ?

I have setup V2.14 on Digital ocean ubuntu server.

Please, update OpenVidu to the last version 2.15.0. Several bugs with recording have been fixed.

thank you. After update to V2.15.0 . it still showing the black video in composed recording

After updating to v2.15.0, Now Individual recording is also stop working.

Please, describe how are you trying to record.

Are you using the official recording guide ?

Yes, I am follow the same.

To start recording : /api/recordings/start
To stop recording : /api/recordings/stop

In both apis, getting the 200 status. Here is the public url of video that i am getting after stop api response.

The git thread ( ) help me to understand the issue. It was firewall issue that blocking the STUN server.

Thank you.

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