Best way to shut down or restart PRO server?

I’ve deployed OpenVidu PRO on premise in Azure, and wondering about the best way to shut down the VMs. They don’t need to be active all the time, especially when developing.
I tried just stopping them in Azure, but can’t seem to get them working again when starting them up?
If I have 1 media node, do I need to start that as well or will it start automatically?
Is it ok to set the VMs to automatically spin down in the evening and start up in the morning or is there a preferred way that the server wishes this to happen?

And what’s the best way to update settings such as domain names? It seems if I change the domain name (after already deploying once with ansible) then it seems to be stuck on
FAILED - RETRYING: check every 5 seconds for 60 attempts (5 minutes total) if openvidu is up and ready (10 retries left)
Maybe I’m not supposed to run ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml play.yaml every time I change a setting?


We are working on better improving the ability to shut down and start up again the machines of a cluster. We will be releasing new versions where this process will be improved, so no manual update of settings is needed. For now you will have to update the properties of OpenVidu Server Pro like this:

And when dropping Media Nodes in On Premise OpenVidu Pro deployments, you will have to manually start them again before adding them to the cluster.
