Amazon AutoScaling for OpenVidu CE

Hello guys,
Does anyone succeed in implement Amazon AutoScaling for OpenVidu CE? This is possible or the AutoScaling just works with the PRO version?

Autoscaling is a feature of the PRO edition.

OpenVidu CE doesn’t provide autoscaling.


Thanks, @micael.gallego.

I know that, but my concern is if it’s possible to do that using CE edition with some hard work. I know that the PRO version has an option to make it easy to autoscale, but I want to test some scenarios with autoscaling before deciding to adopt the PRO version or stay on CE for a while.

I know if I use Load Balancer and AutoScaling, the servers will start, the problem I see is with the sessions. User1 > SessionA (ServerA) and User2 > SessionA (ServerB). I think they won’t see each other. Is there any workaround for this?


yes this is not proper solutions . But if you want test some scenario you try paid version 15 days trial given by openvidu

Maybe you can introduce some logic to use sticky sessions to bind user session to a specific instance:


Is it working and you tested it.