We plan the 1000+ users dating at same time.
Which plan do you recommend?
Please explain.
Thank you.
Depends on the topology of your sessions.
I understand you need 1000 concurrent sessions. 1:1 sessions? 1:N sessions?
Thanks for your reply.
I have read your openvidu article so much.
Absolutely 1:1 sessions.
In the 4 Core machine you can have 70 simultaneous sessions with 2 participants. Approximately 17.5 sessions “per core”.
Then, in the 13 Core machine, you will be able to manage 227 sessions. To handle 1000 sessions, you will need 4 machines with 13 cores = 1840€/m (or 15 machines with 4 Cores = 885€/m).
Got it,
Then on aws, at least the c5d. 12xlarge (48 core)?
Can you recommend the approximate ec2 instance type?
I recommend you to use several machines in a cluster. But if you one to use only one machine, you need a really powerful one.
Please execute some performance tests on your own because maybe there are some internal limits or maybe load is not growing as linear as we want.