Understanding costs, scaling, etc

Hello fellow openvidu devs,

I have a few questions regarding the pricing and cost calculation.

  1. In the image above you mention the c5 instance types. But when I follow your description " Deploying OpenVidu on AWS" there is a t2.xlarge instance pre-selected during the stack creation procedure. Since the t2 creates more than twice the costs of a c5 it would be interresting to know what instance type you recommend and if the t2 is worth the costs.

  2. In the performance test scenario (see image c5.large) you created 4 sessions, each with 7 publishers (ending in a 7:7 scenario on the client side). Does it have impact on the performance when we have 1 session and 28 publishers, so a 28:28 scenario? Or is the c5.large still the perfect fit?

  3. Does the scaling mechanism of the PRO edition also effect the AWS instances and their related costs? And if so, in which way? I could imagine that I have to create a specific amount of instances for the expected maximum load, and that I have to pay at least the minimum even when all instances are idle, right?

Thx in advance for dealing with my questions. I hope I phrased the questions correctly.


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Can anyone answer this?

  1. you can choose c5 in stack creation by dropdown chose menu.
    C5 is best because openvidu is cpu extensive service.
    2.yes if you number of user increase per session compexity increase. And browser case 20 stream atmost user at same time publishing. C5 is type of server but have various configuration and size.

3.Yes offcourse its depend on server size and quantity . If your server running then definitly
you have to pay

Thanks for answering, Vipin.

You mean the bottleneck is the web browser, which can handle around 20 streams simultaneously? Correct? OK, this could be a problem with a weak system on the client-side. But on the server-side, it shouldn´t make a difference if I have 4 sessions with 7 users or 1 session with 28, right?


yes if you are using good configuration server