Hey, folks!
What is the status of the backward compatibility branch v2compatibility
? We’re deploying a new instance and would love to move to v3.0.0-beta3 but don’t have time right now to upgrade our application code. I see that it’s currently 17 commits ahead of and 80 commits behind master and the last commit was in July. That doesn’t give me a lot of confidence.
Backwards compatibility with v2 is fine. There hasn’t been any commits in that branch because it hasn’t been necessary (in fact most of the compatibility features are actually provided by other module that is not located in v2 branch).
When upgrading to v3 just take into account these few breaking changes: OpenVidu v3 - OpenVidu Docs
Best regards.
I’m asking because that branch is 97 commits behind master, and “can’t automatically merge”, because there are merge conflicts. This doesn’t give me a warm and fuzzy feeling. So, should I use this branch anyway?
Again, there is no problem at all. Branch v2 cannot be merged with master simply because it has substantially changed. OpenVidu v3 is not just an organic evolution of v2. In many respects it is a new project. The importatn thing is that OpenVidu v2 applications will still be fully compatible with OpenVidu v3 though our compatiblity module, so you can take full advantage of OpenVidu v3 when it is finally released in GA. v2 branch has simply reached a long-term support state. New features will be developed for OpenVidu v3.
Best regards.