Hello Team
how are you.
I got very strange issue.
I use openvidu browser.
I published video and audio - working well.
And after some time…
and publishVideo(true) and publishAudio(false) - only shows video - working well.
but publishVideo(false) and publishAudio(true) - user cann’t show his screen but he should speak.
but publishAudio is not working.
only can disable and eanble audio when publishVideo(true).
audioSource: undefined,
videoSource: undefined,
publishAudio: true,
publishVideo: true,
resolution: '320x240',
frameRate: 30,
insertMode: 'APPEND'
I published publisher like this.
I want to enable audio even if video not active.
of course, can publish by publishVideo : false but I want to publish video and audio by
publishAudio publishVideo functions only for speed up.
plz help me @CSantosM