Only audio publish

I want to publish with only audio devices.

I am passing the settings as follows.

But no stream is passed.

Any solution?

  let publishAudio = this.state.audioSource == null ? false : localUser.isAudioActive();
        let publishVideo = this.state.videoSource == null ? false :  localUser.isVideoActive();
        let mute = this.props.main?.room.mute;                  //입장시 음소거 처리
        let permissionMic = this.permissions.publishMic;        //오디오 권한 유무
        let permissionVideo = this.permissions.publishVideo;    //비디오 권한 유무
        let resolutionOrFrameRate = this.getResolutionOrFrameRate();

        let properties =  {
            audioSource: permissionMic == false ? null : this.state.audioSource,   
            videoSource: permissionVideo == false ? null : this.state.videoSource,
            publishAudio: mute == true ? false : publishAudio,
            publishVideo: publishVideo, 
            resolution: '640x480', 
            frameRate: '30', 
            insertMode: 'APPEND',
            mirror : this.state.isMirror

do like this

audioSource: audioDevice, // The source of audio. If undefined default microphone

        videoSource: false, // The source of video. If undefined default webcam

        publishAudio: this.micStatus, // Whether you want to start publishing with your audio unmuted or not

        publishVideo: false, // Whether you want to start publishing with your video enabled or not

        resolution: '640x480', // The resolution of your video

        frameRate: 25, // The frame rate of your video

        insertMode: 'APPEND', // How the video is inserted in the target element 'video-container'

        mirror: false // Whether to mirror your local video or not