Camera Light is not turn off while making publishVideo as false


I need only Audio and don’t want to turn on the Video, while creating the publisher. Below is the Property I am passing in OV.initPublisher method
By Specifying publishVideo as false, the webcam is not sending the feed, I can see black image in the Video, but still the camera light gets turned on, I am unable to turn it off.

Note: This Issue is appearing only in chrome, whereas in firefox the camera light gets turned off.

I tried using below code to stop the Video Track. But if we stop the VideoTrack, it inturn affects the Audio and the subscriber is unable to hear the Audio.

setTimeout(() => {
let videoTrack;

try {

	if (publisher&& &&
		&& {
			videoTrack =[0];
} catch(error) {
try {
	if (videoTrack) {
}catch(error) {

}, 3000);

Has anyone used only Audio in OpenVidu?
Any help would be appreciated

Already answered here. Camera does not turn off when publishVideo(false) is called - #16 by Rajesh_V

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