VB Blur Filter Pro

I’m trying to put the VB Blur in my application using the the pro version of openVidu

I keep getting this error:
ERROR:org.kurento.client.internal.server.KurentoServerException:Factory ‘VB:blur’ not found (Code:40108, Type:null, Data: {“type”:“MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_AVAILABLE”}) in Request: method:publishVideo params:{“doLoopback”:false,“hasAudio”:true,“hasVideo”:true,“audioActive”:true,“videoActive”:true,“typeOfVideo”:“CAMERA”,“frameRate”:-1,“videoDimensions”:“{"width":640,"height":480}”,“filter”:{“type”:“VB:blur”,“options”:{}}, … etc

Here is part of my code:

await this.openViduWebRTCService.publishWebcamPublisher().then(data =>{
const publisher = this.localUsersService.getWebcamPublisher();

			let UserData = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("UserData"));	
			let LabelUserName = UserData.userName ;
				async () => await publisher.stream.applyFilter("VB:blur", {})

where I remove the already exist and working filter, and adding the blur
note that we have only one function for the applyFilter which accept only 2 argument

your help is appreciated
Thank you in advance

I am not able to replicate your issue:

await publisher.stream.applyFilter("GStreamerFilter", {"command": "videobalance saturation=0.0"}); // Gray filter
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 5000)); // Sleep for 5 seconds
await publisher.stream.removeFilter(); // Remove server-side filter
await publisher.stream.applyFilter("VB:blur", {}); // Blur virtual background

This works just fine, using OpenVidu PRO 2.29.0 along openvidu-browser:2.29.0

Thank you so much, The issue was for the openvidu-browser:2.29.0