I created a new filter module in Kurento, and am trying to use the OpenVidu filter tutorial demo to call it. I get the following error:
ERROR:org.kurento.client.internal.server.KurentoServerException:Factory ‘MfModule’ not found (Code:40108, Type:null, Data: {“type”:“MEDIA_OBJECT_NOT_AVAILABLE”}) in Request: method:applyFilter params:{“streamId”:“str_CAM_EzHl_con_OH5bbSuOIm”,“type”:“MfModule”,“options”:“{}”} request:undefined
The modified Kurento instance that I am running seems to know about the module:
oot@ip-172-31-73-141:~# kurento-media-server --version | grep mf
‘mfmodule’ version 0.0.1~0.g265f6b5
root@ip-172-31-73-141:~# kurento-media-server --list | grep mf
and I’m setting MfModule as one of the allowed filters when the token is created.
Any ideas?