Unable to join session. Session SessionA cannot be found

I get this error when i connect to remote server?

Hello Cem, we need a little bit of information, a capture is not enough for us to check what may happen. What tutorial are you running? Did you check the tutorial you are trying is the same version as the openvidu server you are running?

Thank you for your help. yes both are the same 2.23. When I run it on my computer, there is no problem, but when I try it on a remote server, I stay on the screen in the picture. Http Hand Shake Interceptor does not create in Docker.

I suppose this remote server is in a cloud provider, with its own public IP and opened/closed ports, right? (It is not a server in your LAN). In that case you need to follow deployment instructions from here:


I suppose you are using OpenVidu CE, in that case, follow OpenVIdu CE deployment instrucitons:


The container you are using is the dev image of OpenVIdu (openvidu/openvidu-dev), and it is only suitable for local development (Intro - OpenVidu Docs) or LAN development (Troubleshooting / FAQ - OpenVidu Docs)