Unable to install openvidu-call on AWS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Hi, I am trying to install the openvidu-call on AWS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. Installed the backend and started it without any issues

ubuntu@ip-172-31-32-123:~/openvidu-call/openvidu-call-back$ sudo npm run start

But when i try to serve the front-endusing the below command, the compilation hangs while compiling @angular/core. Please find the output below.

cd openvidu-call-front
sudo npx ng serve --open

To disable this warning use “ng config -g cli.warnings.versionMismatch false”.
Warning: Entry point ‘ngx-linkifyjs’ contains deep imports into ‘/home/ubuntu/openvidu-call/openvidu-call-front/node_modules/linkifyjs/plugins/hashtag’, ‘/home/ubuntu/openvidu-call/openvidu-call-front/node_modules/linkifyjs/plugins/mention’, ‘/home/ubuntu/openvidu-call/openvidu-call-front/node_modules/linkifyjs/string’. This is probably not a problem, but may cause the compilation of entry points to be out of order.
Compiling @angular/core : module as esm5

Can someone please help me out as to where I am going wrong.


Sudhir KP

I would like get the answer to the following questions:

  1. What do you mean with “the compilation hangs while compiling @angular/core”?
  2. Why are you using ng serve in a AWS Instance?
  3. Why are you starting openvidu-call on development mode?
  4. Have you followed and read the openvidu-call guide?

I have installed openVidu on AWS Ubuntu 18.04 and setup openvidu-tutorial but i could not find out the /opt/openvidu/ folder on AWS server.
I used following steps:

  1. Prerequisites step–docker and docker compose installed and ports open accordingly
  2. then follow all steps from this url: https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.15.0/tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node/
    but server not not running the server
    Please help for this.


Tutorial instructions are designed for local development.

/opt/openvidu folder is only available in OpenVidu deployments for production.


Hello Gallego,

I’m applied on AWS ubuntu 18.04 server.
I’m using following steps to run the openvidu-mvc-node on AWS ubuntu instance:

  1. https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.15.0/deployment/deploying-on-premises/
    1. Prerequisites
      2) Deployment
      3) Configuration
      4) Execution
      After that my Videoconference application run perfect by default.
      But i want openvidu-mvc-node on server so i use https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.15.0/deployment/deploying-openvidu-apps/
      and Remove OpenVidu Call application as defined.
      then follow https://docs.openvidu.io/en/2.15.0/tutorials/openvidu-mvc-node/
      but not working.

Is that correct installation on AWS server?

You have to packge the application “openvidu-mvc-node” and then deploy it in the server. I recommend you to use Docker.
