Subscriber only Android


I have a node MVC website running and the user can start the stream from there, now I want to only subscribe to that stream in android.

I looked at the Android tutorial and managed to connect to the session and infact view the live stream from publisher, but I’m not able to stop my own local camera from sending the data.

 LocalParticipant localParticipant = new LocalParticipant(participantName, session, this.getApplicationContext(), localVideoView);

If I commenedt out the startCamera line but the app breaks, all the other docs have proper setup for PUBLISHER and SUBSCRIBER

So any help would be really appreciated, I know it will be too much but if you can provide a sample code just for subscriber then it would be the best.

I’m playing with Android code from 3 days but no leads.


@pabloFuente @micael.gallego Can you help please? It’s really urgent and I’m not able to figure it out.

We do not provide an Android SDK for OpenVidu. Android tutorial is just a sample application to work with with OpenVidu in certain use cases.

If you don’t know how to implement a feature, we can not help you.

Use Ionic with the supported SDK.