I want to record the local stream video from android mobile phone and then save it in storage, Can you please help me on how to get this done ASAP.
If it is using openvidu-browser library, using LocalRecorder API. If not, using native Android capabilities.
I tried using openvidu library for recording but keep getting this error :-
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No static field INSTANCE of type Lorg/apache/http/conn/ssl/AllowAllHostnameVerifier; in class Lorg/apache/http/conn/ssl/AllowAllHostnameVerifier; or its superclasses (declaration of 'org.apache.http.conn.ssl.AllowAllHostnameVerifier' appears in /system/framework/framework.jar!classes3.dex).
I still don’t know what are you trying to do. Are you implementing a native Android app like https://github.com/OpenVidu/openvidu-tutorials/tree/master/openvidu-android? If that’s so, then you are not using openvidu-browser library, because that only works in a browser environment (desktop browsers, mobile browsers, Ionic, Electron, React Native…). Not in plain Android code.
I tried using this library :-
implementation ‘io.openvidu:openvidu-java-client:2.12.1’
And followed this code from :-
Ok, you want to record on the server side, not on the client side. I understood you wanted to record the video file on the mobile phone.
Still, I don’t know what kind of Android app are you developing. Are you building a web app, an Ionic app, a native Android app…?
Native android app where user can record video whithout stopping the streaming in android app.
You’re not trying to use openvidu-java-client as a dependency on your Android app, are you? That library is for your server side, not for your client side. To record a session use the API REST, openvidu-java-client or openvidu-node client on our application’s server side.
There’s extensive documentation on how to record a session. Please, read it carefully: https://openvidu.io/docs/advanced-features/recording/