Hi, I’ve a problem with my solution. I receive a “DOMException: Could not start video source” error on some android phones. I don’t know why! And only if I try to use rear camera! front camera works well!
I use chrome and have android 9 (samsung Galaxy S8)
Here my code (the error appens when I call “await session.publish(publisher)”):
logger.info("[create settings]");
const publisherSettings: PublisherProperties = {
audioSource: true,
publishAudio: true,
publishVideo: true,
resolution: resolution,
mirror: false,
logger.info("[settings created]" + publisherSettings);
const publisher: Publisher = this.OV.initPublisher(
undefined as any,
logger.info("[start publishing]" + publisherSettings);
await session.publish(publisher);
logger.info("[published]" + publisherSettings);
const data: IConnectedSession = {
mainStreamManager: publisher as StreamManager,
isConnected: true,