SOLVED: DOMException: Could not start video source on Android Chrome


I don’t know where to share this solution, so sorry if in wrong place. But a USEFULL solution for some Android 6.0 with Google Chrome using OpenVidu.
Until some minutes ago, I spent days trying to discover why some Android (any version) on some smartphones (Samsung, Morotola, LG, etc), works fine and others didn’t. With camera and microphone permissions allowed.
Some devices simply didn’t display video to server, even on trace tools showing connected.
After I got a problem smaprtphone and debugging the device, the error on html page was:

DOMException: Could not start video source openvidu-browser-2.12.0.js

My configuration was:

var publisher = OV.initPublisher(“publisher”,
audioSource: undefined, // The source of audio. If undefined default audio input
videoSource: undefined, // The source of video. If undefined default video input
publishAudio: true, // Whether you want to start the publishing with audio unmuted or muted
publishVideo: true, // Whether you want to start the publishing with video enabled or disabled
resolution: ‘1024x768’, // The resolution of your video
frameRate: 24, // The frame rate of your video
insertMode: ‘APPEND’, // How the video will be inserted according to targetElement
mirror: true, // Whether to mirror your local video or not
filter: {
type: ‘GStreamerFilter’,
options: {
command: ‘clockoverlay valignment=top halignment=right shaded-background=true shading-value=90 font-desc=“Verdana 6” text="aaaaaa’

The issue is RESOLUTION. Some old devices does not accept 1024x768 and cause the expection. So I decreased to 800x600 and… voilá! Worked.

Just happy and did not find any solution like this and would like to share who is looking for this problem.




Then I’ll Mark this post as solved. Thank you for your help! Use markdown format to let people use your code correctly formatted :smile: