Simulcast and SVC in Openvidu Pro

May I know when can we expect Simulcast & SVC and VP9 features in openVidu pro? Is there any ETA for this?

It is expected in October/November.


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Thanks for the reply. @micael.gallego

I’m waiting this feature for very long time.But not expected in oct/nov.
But @micael.gallego when load test result will be came. Because i can not able to connect more than 8 people with t2.large with frame rate 20 and bandwidth min=300 ,max=900.
but not more thing changed

Will the methods be public so we can implement our own or make use of the Kurento settings in the CE? This is quite an important feature but I can’t afford Pro (just yet).

Simulcast and SVC will be available only in OpenVidu PRO.


Is there a new ETA for SVC?


It will be available in Q12021.
