Recording informations


Lately I’ve been trying to move some OpenVidu recording files from the server (local) storage to a remote one. I’ve seen there is an event that tells me when a recording is “ready” (available) to be accessed but I’ve some questions:

  1. The event “recordingStatusChanged” with status “ready” is dispatched even without having S3 storage configured?

  2. Currently I’m using INDIVIDUAL recording because of CPU usage, there is a way to prevent OpenVidu from creating a final .zip file with all the recordings when recording is stopped?

  3. With INDIVIDUAL recording and enabled S3 storage, does OpenVidu creates .zip file before the upload or it does upload every file separately?

Best regards,

  1. The status “ready” of recordingStatusChanged event is perfectly applicable to any kind of OpenVidu CE/PRO recording process.
  2. There is not a way to prevent ZIP compression of INDIVIDUAL recordings right now.
  3. ZIP file is created first, then it is uploaded to S3.
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