We have deployed openvidu v3.0 in our local environment. The Openvidu-call application is working fine. We are able to record the session as well but not able to get the recording in openvidu server. What will be the location of recording?
Do you mean the file directory location?
If you are using LiveKit API, recordings are saved in Minio. If you open http://localhost:7880 in the local deployment, you will see a panel with all the services available.
Get the development credentials from minio, and click on Minio.
If you are using OpenVidu v2 API (v2compatibility), by default recordings are enabled locally. They’re placed in the same directory as the
If you mean the HTTP URL:
If you are using LiveKit API, as recordings are saved in Minio, you need to get the file using an S3 client. Take a look also to this thread: Assistance Required with Recording Download - #3 by CSantosM
If you are using OpenVidu v2 API (v2compatibility), the endpoint should be:
Thanks Curizba, Got the recording at the url mentioned by you.
But is it possible to set the v2compatibility mode with openvidu call application as well, so that we can see the recording locally.
The OpenVidu Call application deployed is only for v3. This is not possible right now because the egress is designed to be stateless for better scalability.
OpenVidu v2compatibility works with local recordings because of OpenVidu v2 legacy reasons. The module itself fetches the files and places it locally.
ATM, you need to add into your app logic a mechanism to fetch the recordings if you need them locally.