Question about log files

I’ve been using Open Vidu via the AWS Ubuntu Stack. Using 2.14.0. Started with 2.12.0 and have upgraded to 2.13 and 2.14.

I can view logs using via ssh using docker-compose logs

However, I was wondering if there is a way to have the apps (openvidu and kurento) record log files. I cannot find anything in /var/log. I’ve tried mapping /var/logs in docker-compose.yml. It’s just not writing any log files for openvidu or kurento.

Can I configure it to write log files?


As you already mentioned, you can access the logs of all of the services or some specific service simply with docker commands as explained in here:

You can simply store the output of that command in a separate file when running it:

./openvidu logs > openvidu-server.log

or for example

docker-compose logs -f kms > kms.log