Publish usb camera without browser

Hi everyone. I’m a beginner. I’ve run and confirmed hello world and a few other demos.
I plan to attach a Raspberry Pi Camera and a USB camera to the Raspberry Pi. I want to publish the video and implement an application that allows the subscriber to see the video. The Raspberry Pi side is in CUI mode. I’ve already tried it with GStreamer. I would like to know if it can be realized with OpenVidu. The Raspberry Pi side publishes the camera device as it is without using a browser. If possible, I would be grateful if you could give me some advice on how to implement it.


You can publish IP cameras directly without a browser through RTSP: IP cameras - OpenVidu Docs

Thanks for reply! I’ll try to exec ipcamera sample.

Hi, ipcamera sample worked fine. But there is a delay of a few seconds in the video. I want to be as real-time as possible. Is it possible to have a delay of less than 100 milliseconds? Is there any way? I am distributing RTSP with Raspberry Pi camera video with Gstreamer.

I found networkCache configuration and set it 100(ms). But there is still a delay of around 400-500ms. Is it a problem on the RTSP distribution side (GStreamer)?