OV 2.20 Pro edition: is it possible to deploy the coturn server on a port other than 3478?

Is it possible to specify a port other than 3478 for the coturn server to listen on?

I notice that docker-compose.yml specifies a COTURN_PORT configuration variable in the source code:

But this line is not present in /opt/openvidu/docker-compose.yml on a fresh deployment of OV 2.20 Pro to AWS. Manually adding it back and restarting openvidu does not appear to have any effect.

I have also tried changing the listening port here:

However, even after making both configuration changes above, logging openvidu.iceServers from a client outputs:

urls: ['turn:<my AWS IP>:3478'] rather than the expected :80.

Is there any way of deploying the coturn server to an alternate port? My reason for doing this is to circumvent particularly restrictive corporate firewalls on some client machines, which may block outgoing connections on high ports.


We’ve recently added that option for the next release which would be available on the next weeks, for the next release you will only need to change COTURN_PORT

For know I’m afraid that’s not possible by default.

But you can deploy an external Coturn if you want following the guide of this repo: GitHub - OpenVidu/openvidu-external-coturn

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Thank you! This is very helpful. I’ll keep an eye out for the next release, and in the meantime look into deploying an external TURN server.

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